Kamis, 01 Maret 2018

Dallas Dog Training.org

The following applies to all dtcdc classes: cost — $90.00 for a 6-week session. duration — classes meet once a week for one hour for 6 weeks. equipment — buckle. Dallasdogtraining.org is 47 years old, alexa rank: #11787687, country: united states, last updated: sunday, 19 april 2015.. Contact us! the dallas dog trainer has been providing the absolute best training for dogs and their owners for over 20 years. call mark now at 972-824-8199.

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Dallas dog trainers - dallas dog training welcome to canine behavior specialists in dallas, texas. canine behavior specialists is very happy to be able to serve all. We are the top dog trainers in dallas, tx. if you dog is being pulling while on a leash or has other needs call us at (469) 279-3557.

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