Rabu, 05 Oktober 2016

5 11 15 ME Lower

First day of meet cycle!!! 15 weeks out from RPS/XPC  Boardwalk Bash!

    Sled drags
    band hip mobility
    band good mornings

SS bar low box squat, 3RM

bar x 5
155 x 5
245 x 3
335 x 3
425 x 3
add briefs
515 x 3 (PR)
565 x 3 (PR...this tied my 1RM from last training cycle)

Stiff leg DLs off 4" box
  245 x 8 x 3

T-bar row
  205 x 8 x 3

Dumbbell Lunges
  50s x 8 x 3

ab wheel roll-outs
  12 x 3

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