Kamis, 23 Juni 2016

12 7 ME Lower

First heavy deadlift since bicep surgery 11 weeks ago

Raw Sumo Deadlift
  245 x 5
  335 x 3
  445 x 2
  535 x 1
  585 x 1
  625 x 1
  675 miss, pulled to knees but couldnt lock it out

Plate loaded front squat/hack squat
  180 x 12 x 2
  270 x 10
  360 x 8
  450 x 6

Sled drags
  3 plates, 5 trips forward
  3 plates, 5 trips backwards

Pendlay row
  155 x 10 x 5

Reverse hyper
  270 x 15
  360 x 12
  450 x 10 x 3

Leg extension (rehab)
  45 x 25 x 4

Standing band crunch
  small band x 25 x 4

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