Senin, 23 Mei 2016

9 28 ME Lower

Post - meet deload is wrapping up. Starting offseason training tonight. Im a bit limited on my squat/goodmorning variations with my left arm in a brace.

SS Bar Good Morning, 3 RM
  155 x 5
  205 x 3
  245 x 3
  295 x 3
  335 x 3
  385 x 3
  425 x 3

45 Degree Back Extension/ SS Bar
  85 x 12 x 4

Seated Pullover Machine
  110 x 20 x 5

Leg Extension, Single Leg
  90 x 12 x 5 each leg

Band Leg Curl
  Super Mini x 20 x 5

Leg Press
  230 x 12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1, 10 second hold at top between sets

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